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Tob. Sci., 1975, 19-31, p. 83-85, ISSN.0082-4523

Alkaloid content and germination performance of seed produced by cytoplasmic male-sterile tobacco

USDA, ARS; Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin USA; North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina USA

Seed alkaloid content, germination rate and percent germination were investigated to determine their possible contribution to seedling performance of cytoplasmic male-sterile tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum L. Seed produced on cytoplasmic male-sterile plants contained double the total alkaloid content of those produced on normal, male-fertile counterparts. Under laboratory conditions seed of cytoplasmic male-sterile genotypes germinated as quickly as normals, and total germination percentages, although reduced, were not significantly different from the control. We have concluded, therefore, that the reduced seedling vigor observed for some male-sterile genotypes in field-grown seed beds cannot be explained by alkaloid content or germination performance as measured under laboratory conditions.

(Full article published with kind permission from "Tobacco International")