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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, 2019, Victoria Falls, AP 34

Alkaloid content of wide tobacco germplasm: the search for high and low nicotine content accumulating genotypes

Tobacco Research Board, Harare, Zimbabwe

Tobacco alkaloids are essential for the flavour, addictiveness, carcinogenicity and utilisation of blended flue-cured tobacco. Although there are strict limits on nicotine and nornicotine content permitted, there is renewed impetus to determine the possible extremes of alkaloid content in tobacco, especially for nicotine. Information on the nicotine content potential of tobacco varieties is specifically important for nicotine extraction and nicotine blending purposes. A two-year field study was conducted at Kutsaga Research Station in Zimbabwe to determine the alkaloid content (nicotine, nornicotine, anatabine and anabasine) of 57 lines of wide tobacco germplasm annotated as having either high or low nicotine content but without the specific content having been determined. Two experiments were set up, the first with 40 lines designated high nicotine content and the second with 17 lines designated low nicotine content. A Split-plot statistical design with two blocks for each trial was used for both experiments with variety and nitrogen fertiliser (34.5 % N) level being the main and subplots, respectively. Two fertiliser levels were used, for the first experiment; 5 g (normal) and 7.5 g (+50 %) per plant while for the second experiment, 5 g (normal) and 2.5 g (-50 %) per plant. Agronomic management of axillary bud topping and nitrogen rate manipulation were employed to enhance or subdue nicotine production as required for the experiment. Cured leaf was subjected to alkaloid content analysis. The results demonstrated the plasticity of nicotine accumulation across wide genotypes and a full range of alkaloid composition in each genotype will be presented. High or low nicotine content genotypes will act as models for in-depth genetics and biochemistry studies of nicotine and other alkaloid biosynthesis and ultimately inform breeding projects of strategies on lowering or increasing the nicotine content of varieties.