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CORESTA Congress, Berlin, 2016, Smoke Science/Product Technology Groups, ST 03

BTFI - Toxicological sciences in ‘Beitraege zur Tabakforschung International’ (BTFI) over the last 55 years

(1) ABF GmbH, München, Germany; (2) DZV Deutscher Zigarettenverband e.V., Berlin, Germany

From the start of the Journal in 1961, articles with a toxicological relationship were published in BTFI. Most of those papers deal, of course, with toxicants present in tobacco and tobacco smoke. However, also articles which investigated toxic effects of tobacco smoke in in vitro and in vivo systems appeared in the Journal. Studies with human tobacco users in terms of their behaviour, smoke exposure as well as risks for diseases found their way to publication in BTFI in the last more than five decades. The time profile of the publication of the various toxicological aspects in BTFI well reflects the changes which took place in the smoking and health field and within the tobacco industry in the last more than 50 years.