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CORESTA Meeting, Smoke Science/Product Technology, 2021, Online, ST 25

Demonstration of capability of SIFT-MS to measure volatile carbonyl compounds in e-cigarettes

British American Tobacco, Southampton, U.K.

Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) is a form of direct mass spectrometry that enables real time analysis of trace volatiles at ppb levels without the need for preconcentration or chemical derivatisation. As a new capability in our laboratory, we have investigated several applications for which the SIFT-MS could provide a solution. In this presentation we will focus on the use of SIFT-MS to directly measure volatile carbonyl compounds in the aerosol produced from an e-cigarette.

Analysis of carbonyl components in e-aerosol involves a derivatisation method and typically analysis of “puff blocks” of an aerosol, giving no detailed information of the puff-by-puff profile of carbonyl generation. When connected to a PM1 smoke engine, the SIFT-MS was shown to be able to analyse individual puffs of an e-cigarette for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and most of the other volatile carbonyl compounds. Preliminary results are presented for a device that has been allowed to ‘wick’ to show the increase in carbonyl components as the device runs dry, thus demonstrating the capability of using the SIFT-MS to measure volatile carbonyl compounds on a puff-by-puff basis.