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CORESTA Congress, Shanghai, 2008, APPOST 25

Design and development of micro sprinkler irrigation system for tobacco transplant production

Indian Institute of Technology, Dept. of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Kharagpur, India
Mechanisation has been considered as one of the greatest evolution in modern day agriculture. Several attributes like reduction in dependence on manual labour, optimum resource utilisation and enhanced quality and farm yield are the attributes associated with mechanization. Tobacco is one of the major commercial crops in India accounting for 4% of the total agri exports earning a foreign exchange of about US$ 382 million. Tobacco on the other hand is a labour intensive crop, especially during the nursery stage when it requires 480 man-days for irrigating tobacco nurseries. Tobacco seedlings in India are grown on traditional plant beds and irrigation is done by using rose cans. The method of watering is not only inefficient due to its low irrigation uniformity of 50 -55%, but also expensive. Trials were conducted during the 2005-06 crop season in the West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh State in India to develop a novel method of irrigation to replace the existing system of manual irrigation, with an objective to achieve high uniformity in water distribution at an affordable cost. Various configurations of micro sprinklers with 35, 55, 64, 90, 116 litres per hour (lph) with a wetting radius of 2.8, 2.9, 3.1, 3.5 and 4.1 meters were identified for the study. The selected sprinklers were tested for water distribution patterns with different spacing between sprinklers arranged in an equilateral triangle geometry. The selected micro sprinklers are tested for water droplet diameter with distance from micro sprinkler for establishing the effect of wind on the distribution pattern of the micro sprinklers. The pump requirement and cost of installation of the micro sprinkler system with different configurations of micro sprinklers was determined. Most of the micro sprinklers gave a distribution uniformity of > 70% at spacing of 60% of wetted diameter. The micro sprinklers with higher flow rates were found to have larger droplet diameter and the distribution uniformity is least affected in the windy conditions. The micro sprinkler with flow rate of 90 lph and a wetting radius of 3.5 m was found to have high distribution uniformity and also involves optimum cost for establishing a micro sprinkler system for tobacco nurseries. The engineering design, process parameters, cost benefit and economics of the system will be discussed in the paper.