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Beitr. Tabakforsch. Int., 1986, 13-5, p. 255-64., ISSN.0173-783X

Determination of triacetin in cigarette filter using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (p-NMR) is a suitable method of determining the triacetin content of freshly produced filter rods. The table-top pulse spectrometer tested in filter rod production distinguishes itself by the fact that it enables exact and reproducible direct measurements of whole filter rods to be made in seconds. There is no need for the whole process of preparing samples; after measurement the filters can be fed back into the production process. With this measuring method triacetin can be determined completely automatically, independent of sample weight and to a large extent independent of the moisture content of the filter material. The period of time between the triacetin application and the p-NMR measurement should be as short as possible and accurately reproducible.