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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Oxford, 1995

Effect of fungicides upon tobacco yield and quality in conditions of low outbreak of Peronospora tabacina A

Tobacco Institute, Prilep, Macedonia.
Blue mold disease on tobacco, caused by the parasitic fungus P. tabacina A., is one of the most destructive diseases attacking the tobacco culture. The last few years were not favorable for outbreak and spreading of the parasite, but preventive measures are still necessary because in favorable conditions for its development it can cause a great damage in tobacco fields. Effect of several fungicides on tobacco yield and quality, applied in conditions of low outbreak of the parasite, was investigated at the Experimental field in Tobacco Instititute-Prilep with the following products: Ridomil MZ-72 (10% metalaxyl+64% mancozeb) 0,30% concentration; Galben-M (8% benalaxyl+65% mancozeb) 0,20%; Sandofan Z (10% oxadixyl+50% zineb) 0,20%; Cimozin (56% zineb+4,4% Cimoxanil) 0,20% and Antracol (70% propineb) 0,20%. In the course of 1992 and 1994 low outbreak of the parasite was noticed on the experimental plots, and in 1993 there was no outbreak at all. Intensity of the disease on the check plots ranged 3,00 to 5,33. Only a single treatment was applied with the above named products. In conditions of low outbreak of the disease, the fungicides investigated showed a certain positive effect upon tobacco yield. In 1992 and 1994 a significant effect was achieved by application of Sandofan Z and Galben, resulting in a increased yield of 32,07% and 18,02% respectively, compared to the control. The effect of the products upon tobacco quality (gross income) was not significant. No significance of the results was obtained by the variational-statistical estimations, which means that in conditions of low outbreak, the products applied did not have an important effect upon increasing of the yield and improving of the quality. No phytotoxical effect was registred in plants treated with the investigated fungicides.