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CORESTA Meeting, Smoke Science/Product Technology, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2005, SSPT 37

Effect of smoking on the volatile sulfur compounds in oral cavity

HU Wangshun; ZHONG Kejun; HE Xiaojie; GAO Yijun; ZHANG Xiaoming
Changde Cigarette Factory, Changde, China; Second Hospital of Xiangya of Central South University, Changsha, China.

The content of volatile sulfureted compounds (VSCs) in oral cavity of 812 volunteers, including 594 smokers and 218 non-smokers, were measured by HALIMETER. The changes of VSCs content in smokers' oral cavities when they sucked different kinds of cigarette and different amount of cigarette were investigated. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The average content of VSCs in oral cavities of smokers is much higher than that of non-smokers. 2. The VSCs content in oral cavity of smokers was correlative with the amount of cigarette they took, especially they took repeatedly. 3. The increase of VSCs in oral cavity of volunteers smoked Dongfanghong cigarette was significantly lower than that of those smoked control cigarette.