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CORESTA Congress, Kyoto, 2004, SSPT 01

The effects of glycerin applied to cut tobacco on tar and nicotine yields in smoke - II

Japan Tobacco Inc., Product Quality Research Division, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.

In our first report, we mentioned that the tar and nicotine yields in smoke (TN yields) vary if the amount of applied glycerin increases in the tobacco manufacturing process. It was confirmed earlier that this was because the amount of applied glycerin affected the variation of the cut tobacco filling density in tobacco columns, which made the free burning rate (mm/min) and the burning conditions in the smoking process, fluctuate. (This was reported at the CORESTA Smoke & Technology Joint Meeting in 2003.) The relationship between the variation of TN yields and the amount of glycerin on the cut tobacco surface, observed using a laser microscope, will now be described. After applying a certain amount of glycerin to cut tobacco in the tobacco manufacturing process, the glycerin on the cut tobacco surface gradually penetrated into the cut tobacco as time passed. It was found that the less the amount of glycerin on the cut tobacco surface, the less the variation of TN yields. This finding will be useful in reducing the variation of TN yields.