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Tobacco Science & Technology, 2009, 6, p. 51-5, ISSN.1002-0861

Effects of precursors on biosynthesis of coenzyme Q<sub>10</sub> in tobacco cells

Shenyang Agricultural University, College of Biological Science and technology, Shenyang, China

The effects of precursors, such as coenzyme Q10, p -hydroxybenzoic acid, solanesol, L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine and methionine, on the dry weight of suspension cell, Q10 production and intracellular Q10 content in tobacco NC 89 were studied with cell culture method. The results showed that: the addition of precursors could increase cell's dry weight and intracellular Q10 content to a certain extent, especially p -hydroxybenzoic acid and methionine had significant effects on cell's dry weight. The coactions of either p -hydroxybenzoic acid or L-phenylalanine, together with methionine extremely significantly affected Q10content. The production of Q10 changed along with cell's dry weight and intracellular Q10 content. Therefore, it was allowed to apply selected precursors of proper concentration stepwisely at different cell culture phases.