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Tobacco Science & Technology, 2009, 9, p. 39-42, ISSN.1002-0861

Rapid inspection of cigarette paper by fingerprint chromatograms of pyrolysis chromatography/mass spectrometry

Technology Center, Hunan Branch of China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., Changsha, China
A number of samples from the same cigarette paper were pyrolyzed at different temperatures and analyzed by pyrolysis chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The correlation coefficient of their fingerprint chromatograms was calculated with "intellectual fingerprint chromatogram identification system" software (version 1.0). The results indicated that the correlation coefficients of 4 repeat experiments at 600° were over 0.9600, while those at 400° and 500° were only higher than 0.9000. The correlation coefficient of Py-GC/MS fingerprint of cigarette paper samples at 600° could be used as an index in paper quality inspection.