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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Rovinj, 2009, IG 01 ; CORESTA Meeting, Smoke Science/Product Technology, Aix-en-Provence, 2009, IG 01

Report of the Sub-Group Pest and Sanitation Management in Stored Tobacco

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, R&D, Winston-Salem, NC, USA

The Sub-Group Pest and Sanitation Management in Stored Tobacco was set up 1993 with the following objectives:

  1. To share information on methods to control pests in stored tobacco.
  2. To conduct collaborative studies on pest control and sanitation practices for tobacco in storage.
  3. To investigate new technologies and issues related to infestation control methods.

The main focus of the Sub-Group is on the cigarette beetle and the tobacco moth, and work is ongoing to provide the tobacco industry with the knowledge and resources needed to implement the best practices for controlling these two primary tobacco pests. The Sub-Group currently comprises 17 members from 13 companies including tobacco processors, leaf companies, fumigation services and laboratories. The Sub-Group holds regular meetings that are usually combined with an Infestation Control Conference (ICC) - a workshop open to all parties associated with the tobacco industry. The Sub-Group established phosphine fumigation parameters for the control of cigarette beetle and tobacco moth and published these guidelines as CORESTA Guide No. 2 in 2004. A revised and updated edition was published in 2009. Current work focuses on new chemical and non-chemical control tools, pheromone trap options, phosphine fumigation developments and issues and potential alternatives to phosphine.