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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Budapest, 1993

Status of breeding for blue mould resistance in Burley and flue-cured tobaccos in North Carolina

North Carolina State University, Dept. of Crop Science, Raleigh, NC, USA
Burley breeding lines have been developed from two sources of resistance : Ovens 62 and Chemical Mutant. Burley breeding lines NC-BMR 113 and NC-BMR 114, derived from Ovens 62, were released in 1992 by the N.C. Agricultural Research Service. These lines possess high levels of blue mould resistance but low yield. In addition, lines MDH 90-39-1 and MDH 90-39-7 have been developed from a third cycle of breeding using the Ovens 62 source of resistance. Yield of these lines was not significantly different from that of Ky 17, but was lower than yield of high yielding cultivars Tn 86 and NC 2. Cured leaf quality, as determined by grade index, was not significantly different from that of the susceptible cultivars. One breeding line, 111-9-2, from the Chemical Mutant source of resistance, exhibits a very high level of resistance, but this line also is low yielding. Flue-cured breeding lines have been developed using only Ovens 62 as the source of resistance. Three lines have been identified from the second cycle of breeding as having high levels of resistance and high yields as compared to yields of several susceptible cultivars. Unlike the Burley germplasm, the major obstacle in the flue-cured breeding program is the physical appearance of cured leaf. Additional experiments and cycles of breeding will be required to improve these lines.