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Bull. Spec. CORESTA Symposium, Kallithea, 1990, p. 137, A28, ISSN.0525-6240

Study of the consolidation of haploids derived from anthers and their importance in selection

Experimental Station Complex, Khan Kroum, Shoumen, Bulgaria.
Androgenesis induced in vitro is of increasing importance in the creation of new varieties of tobacco. Equalization and morphological invariability after the doubling of homozygotic genes is of major importance in selection. The culture media for regeneration assume the appearance of plants with modified characteristics and properties. The trials carried out so far have mainly involved Virginia and Burley varieties and hybrids, but there have been no communications dealing with studies of this type applied to Oriental tobaccos. The present study was carried out using generations of regenerating dihaploids obtained by various in-vitro culture methods. Statistical analysis was used to confirm the following : morphological equalization of constant and perspective dihaploid lines, uniformity of generations of regenerance of a haploid and the differences established between the dihaploids obtained from various haploid plants in a given cross. Making use of the potential of the in vitro method and the established regularities, we have created constant and prospective dihaploid lines. The first variety obtained in Bulgaria by tissue culture methods _ the Virginia Biopreslavna _ has been accepted by the State Commission for varietal testing and introduced into production.