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Tobacco Science & Technology, 2012, 11, p. 60-63, ISSN.1002-0861

Transfer behavior of maleic hydrazide residue in cigarette during smoking

ZHANG Hongfei(1); TANG Gangling(1); LOU Xiaohua(2); CHEN Tao(3); GAO Chuanchuan(2); BAI Junchao(3)
(1) China National Tobacco Quality Supervision & Test Center, Zhengzhou 450001, P.R. China; (2) Guizhou Tobacco Quality Supervision & Test Station, Guiyang 550025, P.R. China; (3) Chongqing Tobacco Quality Supervision & Test Station, Chongqing 400023, P.R. China

The transfer behavior of maleic hydrazide (MH) in cigarette during smoking was studied by adding internal standard. The pyrolysis mechanism of MH was studied with pyrolysis technology. The results showed that: 1) The transfer rate of MH into mainstream cigarette smoke was from 1.41 % to 3.67 %, into sidestream cigarette smoke was from 0.24 % to 0.86 %, and into cigarette butts was from 1.19 % to 1.87 %; no MH was found in ash. 2) The main pyrolysate of MH was carbon dioxide.