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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Louisville, 1991

The United States tobacco germplasm collection

USDA-ARS, Crops Research Lab, Oxford, NC, USA

The United States maintains a collection of tobacco germplasm consisting of over 2000 different accessions. This collection is part of the National Plant Germplasm System, which coordinates federal, state, and private sector efforts to maintain and preserve all plant genetic resources in the U.S. The tobacco germplasm collection is maintained at the USDA Crops Research Laboratory in Oxford, North Carolina. The collection is comprised of three categories of germplasm: (1) the wild Nicotiana species (2) Tobacco Introductions (TIs) and (3) domestic cultivars. The Nicotiana species collection contains 125 accessions representing 64 of the 66 recognized species in the genus. From one to five accessions are available for a given species. The TI collection consists of approximately 1200 accessions. This part of the collection is comprised of morphologically diverse tobaccos of the cultivated species, N. tabacum, which have been obtained from around the world. The third part of the collection contains over 500 domestic cultivars and includes new and old varieties, farmer selections, and some breeding lines. A separate collection of monosomics and genetic marker stocks is maintained by N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC. Seed stocks are maintained in a controlled environment at 10 °C and low relative humidity. Germination is monitored and seed regenerated at periodic intervals. Much of the collection has been evaluated for agronomic characteristics, disease and insect resistance, and some chemical characteristics. This information is currently being assembled in a computerized information management system. Seeds from this collection are available for research purposes upon request.