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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Montreux,1997, POST8

Breeding of KF114, a flue-cured tobacco variety resistant to TMV

Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Suwon Experiment Station, South Korea.
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), TMV-common strain, causes severe damage on flue-cured tobacco in Korea. Therefore, breeding programs were conducted to transfer the TMV resistance from NC 567 to other cultivars. The advantage of Fl hybrids does not lie in their heterotic value only but also in the direct combination of valuable dominant traits, e.g. for disease resistance, either in pairs or as groups already assembled in the two parents. A new TMV resistant flue-cured tobacco variety KF114 was developed from a cross of maternal parent MSNC567 with NC82 at the Suwon Experiment Station. KF114 has more vigorous growth characteristics in early stage than NC82, the standard variety in Korea, and other characters were similar to those of NC82. It has a high resistance to TMV, but with regard to bacterial wilt ( Pseudomonas solanacearum ) and black shank ( Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae ), it is comparable to NC82. It should adapt well to the flue-cured production area and can reduce premature flowering under unfavorable weather conditions. Yield of KF114 is 1% to 5% higher, and nearly equal in value per kg compared with NC82. This variety, F1 hybrid, met acceptable standards for chemical and physical characteristics of cured leaf and ranked high in smoking taste as estimated by panel members in Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute.