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Tob. Sci., 1962, 6-40, p. 167-171, ISSN.0082-4623

Effects of air pollution, nitrogen levels, supplemental irrigation, and plant spacing on weather fleck and leaf losses of Maryland tobacco

Crops Research Division, A.R.S., U.S.D.A., Beltsville, Maryland and Department of Agronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland USA

Fleck and leaf loss often found in Catterton tobacco production probably result from the interaction of many factors. The influences of nitrogen fertilization, plant competition, and moisture supply in the presence of products of urban photochemical air pollution occupy a highly important position in the total interaction. Other effects such as leaf diseases, poor soil aeration, and root damage from excess moisture undoubtedly contribute; however, their importance is difficult to assess.

(Full article published with kind permission from "Tobacco International")