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CORESTA Congress, Edinburgh, 2010, AP 32

Effects of different ridge height and cover pattern on nitrification and denitrification in field soil, and growth in Burley tobacco

YANG Chunlei; YANG Jinpeng; FAN Kaixiao; DENG Candong; QIN Wenzhang; YU Jun
Burley Tobacco Experimental Station of CNTC, Wuhan, China

This experiment was carried out to study the effects of different ridge heights and cover patterns on nitrification, denitrification and root development on field soil, nicotine concentration and leaf yield in Burley tobacco. The results showed that a ridge measurement of 10 cm and film-covering could remarkably enhance the intensity of nitrification during rosette stage, and reduce denitrification before rosette stage and after the fast growing period. This is useful for promoting nitrogen supply during early stage and reducing denitrificational loss of soil nitrogen. With regard to root development, film-covering was better than non-film-covering. Among the four treatments of ridge height, the 10 cm ridge was more propitious to generation of the adventitious roots and ramification of the superior root, which form more a harmonious distribution of the root in the soil. Nicotine concentration in leaf increased as the ridge height increased, and the concentration under the film-covering treatment was higher than that under the non-film-covering treatment. On the leaf yield and its factors, compared with the non-film-covering treatment, the film-covering treatment could get higher leaf yield, production value, leaf price, and the percent of the classy and middling rank of leaf; and among the four ridge heights under the film-covering condition, the 10 cm ridge obtained the best leaf yield and production value. Considering altogether on the nicotine concentration and leaf yield, a 10 cm ridge and film-covering can be recommended as the optimum integrated production measure to obtain a high level of leaf yield and quality.