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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Bucharest, 2003, PPOST 14

The evaluation of concentration and detection methods of tobacco mosaic virus in water

LIU Yong; MO Xiaohan; YU Qing; YANG Longpu; LI Tianfei
Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science, Key Lab of Biotechnology, CNTC, Kunming, China.

In order to evaluate concentration and detection methods of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in water, two kinds of samples were prepared by adding TMV infected tobacco leaf juice in water with and without soil granules, then concentrated using the low speed centrifugation method and the adsorption to positively charged membrane filters method. The existence of TMV in water concentrates was detected by inoculation into Nicotiana glutinosa and N. tabacum L. 'k326' and by indirect ELISA methods. The N. glutinosa and N. tabacum L. 'k326' bioassay results of the concentrates of samples with soil granules showed that the low speed centrifugation method had some degree of recover ability and low recover efficiency. Indirect ELISA maybe unsuited to detecting these concentrates. The N. glutinosa and N. tabacum L. 'k326' bioassay and indirect ELISA results of the concentrates of two kinds of samples indicated that adsorption to positively charged membrane filters method had a high degree recover ability and high recover efficiency. The adsorption method was suited to recovering TMV from water.