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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Rovinj, 2009, APPOST 24

Field performance of selected foreign and domestic flue-cured tobacco varieties in Poland

Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, Dept. of Special Crops, Pulawy, Poland.
Twelve flue-cured tobacco varieties, including three from France (ITB 609, ITB 667, ITB 678), four from Hungary (Hevesi 9, Hevesi 17, Hevesi 19, Hevesi 20), three from Germany (HYV 10, HYV 13, HYV 17) and two from Poland (VRG 4, VRG 5) were compared for selected growth and yield indicators against ITB 33024 (international check) and Wislica (local check). The trial was run on-farm under standard flue-cured tobacco management as used in Poland. The design was randomized blocks, each entry replicated twice, 27 plants within each one-row plot. Plant height after topping was below 120 cm in all Hungarian varieties and the domestic check Wislica reflecting the depressed growth of Chalara elegans -susceptible varieties in black root-rot infested environment. All remaining varieties were Chalara -resistant, HYV 13, HYV 17, ITB 33024 and ITB 678 being the tallest entries. HYV 17 produced the highest number of harvestable leaves, the fewest leaves were produced by Chalara -susceptible varieties. The highest yields of cured leaves were given by HYV 17, followed by VRG 4, VRG 5, HYV 13 and HYV 10. Lower yields but bordering on acceptable were recorded in Hevesi 9, all remaining entries, including both checks, yielded below acceptance level. The leaves of highest quality were produced by local check Wislica, the lowest by Hevesi 17, Hevesi 19 and Hevesi 20. HYV 17 and VRG 4 were the best varieties in terms of gross revenue from unit area, VRG 5, HYV 10 and HYV 13 also gave acceptable returns.