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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Suzhou, 1999, AP22

Good agricultural practices in tobacco production: Europe

Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi, Castello, Italy.
Putting the E.U. tobacco production in its world perspective (5.4% of the total production), and having illustrated the share of every State by type, the author describes in detail the implemented Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) targeted to produce a clean product suitable for the final users. The introduction of large scale seedling production using float systems has practically solved the very serious problem of black root rot and simultaneously eliminated the use of methyl bromide. Furthermore, this system makes a preventive control strategy of different pests and diseases much easier. Due to the use of metalaxyl and imidacloprid into the float system solution before transplanting, the seedlings are very well protected during 4-5 weeks in the field from blue mould infection and appearance of aphids and tobacco beetles. The result of this is the absence of Peronospora inoculum in the first growing period with a very low population of the above mentioned insects, also reducing or eliminating the need for treatments shortly before harvesting, which leads to a decrease of pesticide residues on the final product. There is a need for an understandable evaluation scheme for tobacco taking into account the requirements of the final users. This scheme should be applied rigorously as an irreplaceable tool to improve quality.