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Tob. Sci., 1970, 14-33, p. 117-120, ISSN.0082-4623

Moisture content of shredded flue-cured tobacco as affected by relative humidity, temperature, and time

Market Quality Research Division, USDA; N.C. Agricultural Experiment Station; Imperial Tobacco Co. USA

Flue-cured tobacco was stored at 20 and 30°C and approximately 75, 80, 85, 87, and 95% relative humidity. Samples from these storage treatments taken weekly for 4 weeks, were dried by freeze-drying and by oven-drying at 40°C/7 days, 100°C/16 hours and 10°C/3 hours. Relative humidity of storage, length of storage, and drying method had significant effects upon weight losses during drying. As relative humidity, storage time, or drying temperature increased, weight loss increased. No significant conditions are suitable for controlling tobacco moisture effects were found for storage temperature. The 10 storage content in the range flue-cured tobacco is usually marketed. Of the method tests oven drying at 100°C/16 hour was selected for future tobacco moisture content determinations. Equilibrium moisture contents were not reached after four weeks' storage under the 10 conditions tested.

(Full article published with kind permission from "Tobacco International")