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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, 2013, Brufa di Torgiano, AP 01

Overview on Italian tobacco production

Deltafina S.p.A., Ospedalicchio di Bastia Umbra (PG), Italy

Deltafina - on behalf of the entire Italian tobacco chain - wish to thank all the agronomists, researchers and scientists taking part in the operating groups of CORESTA for the efforts in their professional activities and for having chosen the Umbria region for their conference.

We will be presenting a brief introduction on Universal Leaf Tobacco Company in Europe, with particular reference to Deltafina SpA's participation.

This will be followed by the subject of the presentation, which will be to present the reality of Italian tobacco, within the context of the other producing countries in the EU, both in terms of productive social and political aspects. This analysis will be carried out taking into account the last three crops, so as to give a clear idea of the evolution of tobacco cultivation in Italy.