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CORESTA Congress, New Orleans, 2002, APPOST 15

Plant parasitic nematodes associated with tobacco in some North provinces of Vietnam

Vietnam National Tobacco Corporation, Hanoi, Vietnam.

The survey results on parasitic nematodes of tobacco crops in some provinces of the North Vietnam indicate that 31 species belonging to four orders (Tylenchida, Aphelenchida, Dorylaimida, and Triplonchida). Among them, some plant parasitic nematode groups such as root-knot ( Meloidogyne incognita ), semi-endoparasitic group ( Rotylenchulus reniformis ), migration endoparasitic group (Pratylenchus spp., Hirschmanniella s pp.), ectoparasitic group (Helicotylenchus spp., Tylenchorhynchus spp. and Criconemella spp.) and virus transmission vector nematodes (Siphinema spp., Longidorus spp., and Paratrichodorus minor) are considered as more important in term of parasitic population density and economic losses for tobacco production in Vietnam. The current status of plant parasitic nematodes in tobacco production in North Vietnam will be discussed, based on assessment of parasitic density of important species, their frequency and distribution and on symptoms expressed by the tobacco crops. As a consequence, it is feld that the plant parasitic nematodes should be considered only as a potential damage. It has not yet become a real loss for the tobacco production, in the surveyed areas. This view differs from some other authors (Ngo Hai Xuyen, 1995: Study damage level of root knot nematode in some tobacco varieties in Vietnam. Plant Protection Magazine in Vietnam. Feb. 1995: 55-59) who considered root-knot nematodes as great constraint for tobacco production, due to important damages, in Vietnam. However, it is recognized that there is an important potential risk: for this reason, further studies should be started without delay. In particular, studies about the effect of quarantine..