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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Oxford, 1995

Post-harvest tobacco infestation control: Industry collaboration and guidelines

Philip Morris Europe, R&D, Neuchatel, Switzerland
The recent publication Post-harvest Tobacco Infestation Control is presented in outline. Authored, compiled, and edited by specialists from the international cigarette manufacturing companies, plus consultation with the global tobacco industry, the book is a record of acceptable methodology for infestation management. The book reviews all aspects of the insect pests of tobacco, including methods for their control, from the point at which the crop is harvested through to the production and distribution of finished tobacco products. The book discusses: the biology of the cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne and the tobacco moth Ephestia elutella; monitoring for their presence with pheromone-baited traps; sanitation programs to prevent infestation, emphasizing the efficient cleaning regimens which are needed from harvest through shipping, processing and storage of tobacco or finished products. Control procedures to eliminate outbreaks of infestation are also reviewed, including the use of fumigation, insecticides, insect growth regulator, and physical methods. Protocols for the use of physical methods, primarily heating and cooling to combat infestation by insects, are also covered. In addition, a number of case histories are described to demonstrate integration of the methodologies. The text is fully referenced. The presentation focuses on the preventive measures of training, standardization, monitoring, and sanitation. A case history is used to illustrate the usefulness of the book. Future challenges are outlined to show where the subgroup will focus efforts.