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CORESTA Congress, Shanghai, 2008, SSPTPOST 10

Proposal for an alternative setup of the ASTM test E 2187-ff, standard test method for measuring the ignition strength of cigarettes

Borgwaldt KC, Hamburg, Germany.
To prevent fatal fires generated by lit cigarettes dropped onto beds or upholstered furniture, a test method for the propensity of a cigarette to ignite soft furnishings is established in many states of the USA. The test requires that more than 75% of a batch of 40 cigarettes is self extinguishing before reaching the tipping paper while placed on ten layers of Whatman No. 2 substrate. The test requires the individual doing the test to asses visually both; if the cigarette has self extinguished and the level of charring caused to the substrate. As with all processes requiring individual assessment, results are subjective to each individual and so inherently more variable than a measured test. The poster deals with the influence of the layer to the glowing process and gives a proposal for a paperless test. Replacing the paper by an inert and reusable part reduces the variance of the results, the costs and may increase the acceptance of the test. Finally the results of a comparison test against the existing ASTM method done by several laboratories are displayed for discussion.