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CORESTA Meeting, Agronomy/Phytopathology, Budapest, 1993

Results of the three years of the experimental trials on tobacco blue mold control

Istituto Sperimentale per il Tabacco, Rome, Ita!y.
In consequence of the trials reported during the CORESTA 1992 meeting in Jerez, our experiments have been continued for two years : in this note there are the results of the triennium 1991-93. The aim was to estimate the efficacy of systemic products and their partners with covering effect both traditional and alternative. The experiments have included 11 theses in 3 replications on a randomized block of Burley tobacco sensitive to blue mold and grown according to the local agronomical techniques. The fungicides were formed by systemic, cytotropic and contact products used individually or mixed between them as follows : 1. Metalaxyl + Mancozeb, 2. Metalaxyl, 3. Metalaxyl + Chlortalonil, 4. Chlortalonil, 5. Cymoxanil, 6. Oxadixyl + Mancozeb + Cymoxanil, 7. Anilazine + Cymoxanil, 8. Dithianon, 9. Fosetyl Al., 10. Fosetyl Al. + Cymoxanil + Mancozeb. The treatments have varied from the minimum of 4 to the maximum of 6 in comparison with the untreated control, respectively with 12 and 8 days of interval during the months of May and June. The observations on the blue mold attack degree have been carried out in the fields during the months of June and July according to the CORESTA scale. At the end of the 3 years of experiments we have noticed good results with : Fosetyl Al. + Cymoxanil + Mancozeb, Metalaxyl + Mancozeb, Anilazine + Cymoxanil, Chlortalonil, Oxadixyl + Mancozeb + Cymoxanil, Metalaxyl + Chlortalonil, Dithianon. They have controlled the development of the disease with their attack degree always inferior to the untreated control one. This account of facts confirms the validity of blue mold control mixtures able to replace the current fungicides whose use involves serious problems as the rise of possible resistance phenomena (like Metalaxyl-insensitive isolates of the fungus), the presence of high levels of residues and the possibility of restrictive legislative measures.