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Review of Smoking Methods - The Determination of r&R for the Measurement of NFDPM, Nicotine and Water

CORESTA Report 1991-1

1991 - revised June 2007 and Sept. 2019 Ref. RAC-222-CTR

CORESTA was asked by ISO to consider establishing a single reference method for the smoking of cigarettes.  As a result the Review of Methods Task Force was created with the objective "to develop one set of standard methods which may be used worldwide, irrespective of smoking machine or other equipment".

The Task Force undertook the following tasks:

  1. To publish the established methods 21 to 24.
  2. To pass these methods to ISO.
  3. To work to produce an air-flow method which would in due course become method 25.
  4. To define and determine r (the repeatability) and R (the reproducibility) of the method of smoking for both NFDPM (nicotine-free dry particulate matter) and nicotine in smoke.

In line with the fourth task, the Review of Methods Task Force established a panel of experts responsible for the design of a collaborative study.  This report describes the design, execution and analysis of this study.


Related documents

CRM 25 - Ambient Air-Flow Around Cigarettes in Routine Analytical Smoking Machines: Control and Monitoring (Aug. 1991)

CRM 23 - Determination of Total and Nicotine-Free Dry Particulate Matter using a Routine Analytical Cigarette - Smoking Machine Determination of Total Particulate Matter and Preparation for Water and Nicotine Measurements (Aug. 1991)

CRM 22 - Routine Analytical Cigarette-Smoking Machine: Specifications, Definitions and Standard Conditions (Aug. 1991)

CRM 21 - Atmosphere for Conditioning and Testing Tobacco and Tobacco Products (Aug. 1991)

CRM 8 - Determination of Water in the Mainstream Smoke of Cigarettes by Gas Chromatographic Analysis (Aug. 1991)